segunda-feira, julho 02, 2007

Unesco publica modelo para ensino do jornalismo

A Unesco publicou um modelo curricular para o ensino do jornalismo, para países em desenvolvimento e democracias emergentes. O documento, com 150 páginas, foi apresentado no Congresso Mundial Sobre Ensino de Jornalismo, que aconteceu em Singapura, nos dias 28 e 29 de junho. Será traduzido para as principais línguas, mas já está disponível aqui, em inglês.

O professor Manuel Pinto, do blog Jornalismo e Comunicação, destaca o seguinte apontamento:

“There are three categories of courses in these curricula, corresponding to the three axes: professional practice, journalism studies, and arts and sciences. Assigning each course in the three-year bachelor’s program to one of these categories, and assigning each course the credit value we think it deserves, we estimate that in the first year 20% of coursework is in professional practice, 10% in journalism studies, and 70% in arts and science.

In the second year, the percentages are 40%, 20% and 40%. In the third year, 80% of courses are in the professional category and 20% in arts and science. Those percentages add up to the following balance for the threeyear bachelor’s program: professional practice, 47%; journalism studies, 10%; arts and science, 43%.

We stress that this is an estimate. The credit value for individual courses should be calculated according to the system in place at each educational institution and the number of courses students are expected to take each year. Looked at a little differently, the balance for the three-year program may be calculated as: professional practice, 40%; journalism studies, 10%; arts and science, 50%.”

Um comentário:

The unknown human who sold the world disse...

Muito bom isso.

Mas será q o Brasil tem jeito?