quarta-feira, janeiro 09, 2008

Jornal norte-americano elogia combate à violência em SP

Finalmente um jornal estrangeiro publica uma boa notícia a respeito da violência no Brasil. O Miami Herald escreveu, em matéria intitulada "Sao Paulo turns corner in war on gangs, crime", que o estado é um exemplo no país no combate à criminalidade, tendo reduzido, desde 1999, 70% das taxas de homicídio.

A reportagem diz ainda, a partir de entrevista com o Secretário de Segurança Pública do estado, Ronaldo Mazagão:

"What's made the difference seems simple but is revolutionary in a country where police often enter poor neighborhoods with guns blazing.

State police have put more emphasis on gathering intelligence about the gangs they're battling before confronting them and are trying to avoid firefights that often kill the innocent, Marzagao said. At the same time, the state has brought more social services to abandoned areas where gangs have long ruled.

That's included launching ''saturation operations'' in which hundreds of police officers and social workers occupy troubled neighborhoods for months to weed out gang leaders and establish a government presence."

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